Badwords Detected


How to Use

  1. Add Attribute to Element
    To censor text, add the following attribute to the HTML element you want to process:

  2. Attribute Example
    Below is an example of text containing words that will be censored:

    <p data-censor="true">
      This is an example of text with bad words like "stupid" that will be censored.
  3. Add Functionality
    Include the following script before the closing </body> tag to enable the censoring functionality:

    <script src="https://api.i-as.dev/js/plugin/censorText.js"></script>
      const config = {
        dataCensor: [] // Add bad words here.
  4. Add Words to the Bad Words List
    You can expand the list of bad words by adding them to the dataCensor property in the config object:

    const config = {
      dataCensor: ["word1", "word2", "another"]

Full Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" data-censor="true">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Text Censor Example</title>
    <p data-censor="true">
        This is an example of text with bad words like "stupid" that will be censored.

    <script src="https://api.i-as.dev/js/plugin/censorText.js"></script>
        const config = {
          dataCensor: ["stupid", "badword"]