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Jamstack TV


Astro Lightning Launch: Astro v 0.21 with Matthew Phillips

In this lightning talk, Matthew Phillips, a software engineer at Skypack, presents the latest and greatest from Astro. Astro is a framework agnostic static site generator with a focus on content sites. As an SSG, it has features you’d already expect like file-based routing, the ability to create files in Markdown, and is component based. So what’s new in Astro version 0.21?

Astro’s newest launch provides even faster development with a new runtime backed by Vite. In the example Matthew gives, the results on v0.21 are almost 3x faster cached, and 20x faster uncached.

Also new to v 0.21, Astro is now WASM powered! New compiler is written in Go, which makes it run-time agnostic--it can run in the browser, and in the future, anything that runs WASM. It powers new features, like the ability to pass variables into styles and scripts, render whitespace, and streaming HTML mode.

Check out a repl today at

Presented by:
Matthew Phillips