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Mongoose schema in node js | CRUD operation in node js with try catch statement

Hey everyone, In this Node.js video, we cover the creation of a Node.js project and connecting Mongoose with Node.js for effective database interactions. The course delves into Mongoose models and schemas, addressing client-to-server communication and the implementation of the POST method in Node.js Express. Participants learn about HTTP status codes, creating a POST API, and dealing with callback function issues. Further topics include asynchronous programming with async/await in JavaScript, error handling with try and catch, validating Mongoose schemas in Node.js, and understanding the GET method. The course concludes with a comprehensive exploration of CRUD operations in Node.js, emphasizing the importance of Mongoose schemas in building robust applications.

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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 Recap of mongodb
00:40 Create nodejs project
01:10 Connect Mongoose with node js
15:01 models in mongoose
17:56 Schema in node js
27:24 body parser in node js
32:24 client to server communication
33:13 post method in node js express
37:51 HTTP status codes
38:36 post api in node js
39:45 issue with callback function
41:05 async await javascript
44:22 try and catch in javascript
49:24 Mongoose validate schema in node.js
52:07 GET method in node js
55:13 CRUD operation in node js
59:17 mongoose schema node js
01:04:56 Summary of Nodejs


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