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VUE JS 3 Complete Course Tutorial

Leela Web Dev

1. Introduction to VueJS 3.0. New Features and Breaking Changes added in the Vue 3.0.

1. Introduction to VueJS 3.0. New Features and Breaking Changes added in the Vue 3.0.

Leela Web Dev

2. Breaking Changes need to know while migrating code from Vue2 to Vue 3.

2. Breaking Changes need to know while migrating code from Vue2 to Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

3. Create Vue App Instance & connect to the element. Implement Data binding  & Interpolation - Vue 3

3. Create Vue App Instance & connect to the element. Implement Data binding & Interpolation - Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

4. Binding the html element attributes with v-bind Directive in Vue 3

4. Binding the html element attributes with v-bind Directive in Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

5. Implement Methods, use Data Properties inside methods, understand v-html directive in Vuejs.

5. Implement Methods, use Data Properties inside methods, understand v-html directive in Vuejs.

Leela Web Dev

6. Understanding Vuejs Click Event Binding using v-on Directive - Vue3 | Vue.js

6. Understanding Vuejs Click Event Binding using v-on Directive - Vue3 | Vue.js

Leela Web Dev

7. Access the Native Event Object $event in the event handling Methods in Vue3 | Vue js

7. Access the Native Event Object $event in the event handling Methods in Vue3 | Vue js

Leela Web Dev

8. Use of Event Modifiers like mouse right-click, Prevent default & stop Propagation - Vue3 | Vue js

8. Use of Event Modifiers like mouse right-click, Prevent default & stop Propagation - Vue3 | Vue js

Leela Web Dev

9.use of Key Event Modifiers (enter, esc, ctrl, shift keys) and v-once directive in Vue3 | Vue js

9.use of Key Event Modifiers (enter, esc, ctrl, shift keys) and v-once directive in Vue3 | Vue js

Leela Web Dev

10. v-model Directive for achieving Two way data binding in Vuejs - Vue3

10. v-model Directive for achieving Two way data binding in Vuejs - Vue3

Leela Web Dev

11. Computed Properties in Vue 3 - Vue js

11. Computed Properties in Vue 3 - Vue js

Leela Web Dev

12. Understanding Watchers in Vuejs | Vue3

12. Understanding Watchers in Vuejs | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

13. Apply Dynamic styling with inline Styles in Vuejs | Vue 3.

13. Apply Dynamic styling with inline Styles in Vuejs | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

14. Adding CSS Classes dynamically in Vuejs - Vue 3

14. Adding CSS Classes dynamically in Vuejs - Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

15. Use Computed properties for dynamic classes. Array Syntax for dynamic Classes in Vue js | Vue3

15. Use Computed properties for dynamic classes. Array Syntax for dynamic Classes in Vue js | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

16. Rendering Content Conditionally using V-if directive in Vuejs | Vue3

16. Rendering Content Conditionally using V-if directive in Vuejs | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

17. Using v-if, v-else, v-else-if directives. Difference on v-if and v-show directive - Vuejs | Vue3

17. Using v-if, v-else, v-else-if directives. Difference on v-if and v-show directive - Vuejs | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

18. Using v-for directive to render the list. Loop Arrays, Objects & number range in Vue js | Vue3

18. Using v-for directive to render the list. Loop Arrays, Objects & number range in Vue js | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

19. Importance of Key attribute usage in the v-for directive in Vue js | Vue3

19. Importance of Key attribute usage in the v-for directive in Vue js | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

20. One App vs Multiple App instances. Sharing data between two Vue app instances - Vue js | Vue3

20. One App vs Multiple App instances. Sharing data between two Vue app instances - Vue js | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

21. Using $Refs & ref attribute to access DOM nodes for referencing Html Elements  in Vue js | Vue 3

21. Using $Refs & ref attribute to access DOM nodes for referencing Html Elements in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

22. Life Cycle Hooks Events explanation in Vue js | Vue 3.

22. Life Cycle Hooks Events explanation in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

23. Practice Life Cycle Hooks like created, mounted, updated and unmounted events in Vue js | Vue 3

23. Practice Life Cycle Hooks like created, mounted, updated and unmounted events in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

24. Why we need to use components in Vue js. Basic introduction to Components in Vue js | Vue 3

24. Why we need to use components in Vue js. Basic introduction to Components in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

25. Different ways of registering components. Name Casing components in Pascal Case in Vue js | Vue3

25. Different ways of registering components. Name Casing components in Pascal Case in Vue js | Vue3

Leela Web Dev

26. Introduction to Vue CLI. Create a Vue project using the Vue CLI approach in Vue js | Vue 3

26. Introduction to Vue CLI. Create a Vue project using the Vue CLI approach in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

27. Exploring Project Structure created by Vue CLI. Understand ".vue" file Contents - Vue js | Vue 3

27. Exploring Project Structure created by Vue CLI. Understand ".vue" file Contents - Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

28. Create basic ".vue" component and register it both Locally and globally in Vue js | Vue 3

28. Create basic ".vue" component and register it both Locally and globally in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

29. Perform Parent to Child Communication using this Props in Vuejs | Vue 3

29. Perform Parent to Child Communication using this Props in Vuejs | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

30. Prop Validation with Type Checks and Prop Casing (Camel Case) in Vue js | Vue 3

30. Prop Validation with Type Checks and Prop Casing (Camel Case) in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

31. Non Prop Attributes and Attribute Inheritance. Disable inheritance, $attrs variable in Vue js 3.

31. Non Prop Attributes and Attribute Inheritance. Disable inheritance, $attrs variable in Vue js 3.

Leela Web Dev

32. Child - Parent Communication using the $emit to send the Custom Events - Vue js | Vue 3

32. Child - Parent Communication using the $emit to send the Custom Events - Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

33. Apply Validation for the emitted custom events in Vue js | Vue 3.

33. Apply Validation for the emitted custom events in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

34. Provide / Inject for parent-child communication. Apply reactivity for provide values - Vue 3

34. Provide / Inject for parent-child communication. Apply reactivity for provide values - Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

35. Apply Provide - Inject for the Custom Event Methods. Props Vs Provide in Vue js | Vue 3

35. Apply Provide - Inject for the Custom Event Methods. Props Vs Provide in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

36. Component based Scoped CSS Styles in Vue js | Vue 3

36. Component based Scoped CSS Styles in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

37. Introduction to Slots. Difference between Slots Vs Props and when to use in Vue js | Vue 3

37. Introduction to Slots. Difference between Slots Vs Props and when to use in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

38. Named Slots in Vue js. Define multiple slots with names in Vue 3

38. Named Slots in Vue js. Define multiple slots with names in Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

39. Fallback Content in Slots. Use of $slots variable and Named Slots Shorthand in Vue js | Vue 3

39. Fallback Content in Slots. Use of $slots variable and Named Slots Shorthand in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

40. Scoped Slots in Vue js. Pass Data from slots as props and access in the components in Vue 3.

40. Scoped Slots in Vue js. Pass Data from slots as props and access in the components in Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

41. Dynamic Components in Vue js. Keep the components alive by using keep-alive in Vue js | Vue 3

41. Dynamic Components in Vue js. Keep the components alive by using keep-alive in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

42. Async Components in Vue js . Assign Name for the chunks using webpackchunkname in Vuejs | Vue 3

42. Async Components in Vue js . Assign Name for the chunks using webpackchunkname in Vuejs | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

43. Teleport in Vue 3. Using Teleport for Modal and Notifications in Vue js | Vue 3

43. Teleport in Vue 3. Using Teleport for Modal and Notifications in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

44. Send Http Post Request using axios in Vue js | Vue 3.

44. Send Http Post Request using axios in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

45. Send HTTP Get Request using Axios in Vue js | Vue 3

45. Send HTTP Get Request using Axios in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

46. Apply Global Axios Default Config like baseURL, headers for sending HTTP Requests - Vue 3

46. Apply Global Axios Default Config like baseURL, headers for sending HTTP Requests - Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

47. Axios Interceptors for request & response. Create custom axios instance in Vue js | Vue 3.

47. Axios Interceptors for request & response. Create custom axios instance in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

48. Implement Vuejs Routing setup using Vue Router in Vue js | Vue 3

48. Implement Vuejs Routing setup using Vue Router in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

49. Navigate with router-link. styling the active links. Changing to custom class in Vue js | Vue 3

49. Navigate with router-link. styling the active links. Changing to custom class in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

50. Programmatic navigation between pages using $router with push, replace and go in Vue js | Vue 3

50. Programmatic navigation between pages using $router with push, replace and go in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

51. Create Posts and List the Posts data using axios in the Vue router - Vue js | Vue 3.

51. Create Posts and List the Posts data using axios in the Vue router - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

52. Pass Data with Route Params for Navigation using $route.params in Vue js | Vue 3.

52. Pass Data with Route Params for Navigation using $route.params in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

53. React to Route Param Changes on the same page using watchers, $watch, and props - Vue js | Vue 3

53. React to Route Param Changes on the same page using watchers, $watch, and props - Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

54. Redirect & alias routing differences. Catch-All / 404 Not Found Route in Vue js | Vue 3.

54. Redirect & alias routing differences. Catch-All / 404 Not Found Route in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

55. Implement Nested Routes using Children Option. Add Default children route in Vue js | Vue 3.

55. Implement Nested Routes using Children Option. Add Default children route in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

56. Benefits of Named Routes in Routing. Accessing Query Parameters using $route in Vue js | Vue 3.

56. Benefits of Named Routes in Routing. Accessing Query Parameters using $route in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

57. Multiple Router based Named Views for router-view in Vue js | Vue 3.

57. Multiple Router based Named Views for router-view in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

58. Global router before Each Navigation Guard in Vue js | Vue 3.

58. Global router before Each Navigation Guard in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

59. Router & Component Based Navigation Guards. beforeEnter, beforeRouteLeave - Vue 3 | Vue js

59. Router & Component Based Navigation Guards. beforeEnter, beforeRouteLeave - Vue 3 | Vue js

Leela Web Dev

60. beforeRouteUpdate Guard. Use Component instance "this" inside beforeRouteEnter Vue js | Vue 3

60. beforeRouteUpdate Guard. Use Component instance "this" inside beforeRouteEnter Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

61. Implement Class based Animations and Transitions in Vue js | Vue 3.

61. Implement Class based Animations and Transitions in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

62. Enter & Leave Transitions for dynamically inserted component using transition component - Vue 3

62. Enter & Leave Transitions for dynamically inserted component using transition component - Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

63. Apply Key-frames animations for the Transition Wrapper component in Vue 3 | Vue js.

63. Apply Key-frames animations for the Transition Wrapper component in Vue 3 | Vue js.

Leela Web Dev

64. Apply Animation for Dialog Modal Component on opening & Closing with Transition - Vue js | Vue 3

64. Apply Animation for Dialog Modal Component on opening & Closing with Transition - Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

65. Transition Modes out-in and in-out for applying animations in Vue js | Vue 3

65. Transition Modes out-in and in-out for applying animations in Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

66. Implement Javascript Hooks / Events for the Transitions of leave and enter in Vue js | Vue 3.

66. Implement Javascript Hooks / Events for the Transitions of leave and enter in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

67. Practical Implementation of Javascript Events / Hooks for Transitions in Vue js | Vue 3.

67. Practical Implementation of Javascript Events / Hooks for Transitions in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

68. Apply Transition to the Lists of data for dynamic adding and removing elements - Vue js | Vue 3.

68. Apply Transition to the Lists of data for dynamic adding and removing elements - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

69. Implement transition-group for the lists of data and the tag attribute in the Vue js | Vue 3.

69. Implement transition-group for the lists of data and the tag attribute in the Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

70. Understand List move class in the transition group for the list of data in Vue js | Vue 3.

70. Understand List move class in the transition group for the list of data in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

71. Implement the Route based Transitions when navigating from one page to another - Vue js | Vue 3.

71. Implement the Route based Transitions when navigating from one page to another - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

72. Introduction to Vuex state management. Install vuex and create store in Vue js | Vue 3.

72. Introduction to Vuex state management. Install vuex and create store in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

73.Get the store data using computed properties. Update the state in store in Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3

73.Get the store data using computed properties. Update the state in store in Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

74. Implement Mutations to set state in Vuex store. Access mutations with commit - Vue js | Vue 3.

74. Implement Mutations to set state in Vuex store. Access mutations with commit - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

75. Introduction to Getters to get the state data in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

75. Introduction to Getters to get the state data in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

76. Calling Getters inside another Getter Methods. Pass arguments to getters, Vuex - Vue js | Vue3.

76. Calling Getters inside another Getter Methods. Pass arguments to getters, Vuex - Vue js | Vue3.

Leela Web Dev

77. Use Actions to run Asynchronous code in Vuex. Role of context in Actions, Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3.

77. Use Actions to run Asynchronous code in Vuex. Role of context in Actions, Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

78. Dispatching Actions within another actions in Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3.

78. Dispatching Actions within another actions in Vuex - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

79. Understand mapGetters, mapState, mapMutations and mapActions for Vuex Store - Vue js | Vue 3.

79. Understand mapGetters, mapState, mapMutations and mapActions for Vuex Store - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

80. Dividing the State into different modules and add it in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

80. Dividing the State into different modules and add it in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

81. Namespacing Modules for the state in the Vuex store - Vue js | Vue3.

81. Namespacing Modules for the state in the Vuex store - Vue js | Vue3.

Leela Web Dev

82. Managing the Vuex store code in different files and import to single file - Vue js | Vue 3.

82. Managing the Vuex store code in different files and import to single file - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

83. Declare constants for naming the mutations, actions, and getters in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

83. Declare constants for naming the mutations, actions, and getters in Vuex store - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

84. Design the Login & Signup Page for implementing the Vue authentication - Vue js | Vue3.

84. Design the Login & Signup Page for implementing the Vue authentication - Vue js | Vue3.

Leela Web Dev

85. Setup the Vuex state management in the authentication project in Vue js | Vue 3.

85. Setup the Vuex state management in the authentication project in Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

86. Add Validations for the Login and Signup Page in Vue Authentication - Vue js | Vue 3.

86. Add Validations for the Login and Signup Page in Vue Authentication - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

87. Make Http Request in the vuex actions using axios to get token details - Vue js | Vue 3.

87. Make Http Request in the vuex actions using axios to get token details - Vue js | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

88. Save the response data from signup into the vuex store state with mutations in Vue js - Vue 3.

88. Save the response data from signup into the vuex store state with mutations in Vue js - Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

89. Accessing the store state data in the router Navigation Guards in Vue router - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

89. Accessing the store state data in the router Navigation Guards in Vue router - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

90. Catch the errors from the server and show the error message in signup page - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

90. Catch the errors from the server and show the error message in signup page - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

91. Add the Loading Spinner Component and use it with the help of store - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

91. Add the Loading Spinner Component and use it with the help of store - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

92. Add the Login Functionality for authentication and saving token in Vuex store - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

92. Add the Login Functionality for authentication and saving token in Vuex store - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

93. Attach the token for the outgoing HTTP Requests with axios in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

93. Attach the token for the outgoing HTTP Requests with axios in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

94. Adding the auth token with Axios request interceptors from Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

94. Adding the auth token with Axios request interceptors from Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

95. Adding the authenticate condition to show links in webpage from Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3

95. Adding the authenticate condition to show links in webpage from Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

96. Add Logout Functionality by making the auth token empty in the Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

96. Add Logout Functionality by making the auth token empty in the Vuex state - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

97. Apply Navigation Guards for authentication and Routing page in Vue js 3 | Vue 3

97. Apply Navigation Guards for authentication and Routing page in Vue js 3 | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

98. Implement AutoLogin Feature by using local storage to save the token - Vue js 3 | Vue 3

98. Implement AutoLogin Feature by using local storage to save the token - Vue js 3 | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

99. Implement Auto-Logout functionality when the token expires in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

99. Implement Auto-Logout functionality when the token expires in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

100. Optimize Routes by Lazy Loading Components and steps for deploying Project - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

100. Optimize Routes by Lazy Loading Components and steps for deploying Project - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

101. Introduction to Composition API & Options API and why we need to use it in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

101. Introduction to Composition API & Options API and why we need to use it in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

102. Implement reactive variables with Ref in Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

102. Implement reactive variables with Ref in Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

103. Use of Ref and Reactive in composition api. Apply reactive for the objects in Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

103. Use of Ref and Reactive in composition api. Apply reactive for the objects in Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

104. isRef, isReactive & toRefs to check reactivity of variable in composition API - Vuejs 3| Vue 3

104. isRef, isReactive & toRefs to check reactivity of variable in composition API - Vuejs 3| Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

105. Create methods in the composition API - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

105. Create methods in the composition API - Vuejs 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

106. Create Computed Property methods in the Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

106. Create Computed Property methods in the Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

107. Implement Two-way Binding with v-model and watch method in composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

107. Implement Two-way Binding with v-model and watch method in composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

108. Send Props to the components and use the Props in Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

108. Send Props to the components and use the Props in Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

109. Understand Template Ref & Reactive ref in the Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

109. Understand Template Ref & Reactive ref in the Composition API in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

110. Emit, Slot & attrs property in context in setup method - Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

110. Emit, Slot & attrs property in context in setup method - Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

111. Life Cycle Hooks usage in the Vue Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

111. Life Cycle Hooks usage in the Vue Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

112. useRouter for navigating to other page in vue router - Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

112. useRouter for navigating to other page in vue router - Composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

113. Get route params into the component by useRoute and props in Composition API - Vuejs | Vue 3.

113. Get route params into the component by useRoute and props in Composition API - Vuejs | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

114. Access store data in the composition API with useStore in Vuex state Management - Vuejs | Vue 3

114. Access store data in the composition API with useStore in Vuex state Management - Vuejs | Vue 3

Leela Web Dev

115. Extract reusable functionalities with Mixins in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

115. Extract reusable functionalities with Mixins in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

116. Data Options Merging in Mixin. Implementing Global Mixin in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

116. Data Options Merging in Mixin. Implementing Global Mixin in Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

117. Reuse Common functionality code using hooks in the composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

117. Reuse Common functionality code using hooks in the composition API - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev

118. Completing Vue js course. Next Steps to learn after Vue course - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

118. Completing Vue js course. Next Steps to learn after Vue course - Vue js 3 | Vue 3.

Leela Web Dev