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Angular Routing Tutorial

Leela Web Dev

46. Introduction to Angular Routing. Set up and load routes with RouterModule in angular.

46. Introduction to Angular Routing. Set up and load routes with RouterModule in angular.

Leela Web Dev

47. Navigating Links in the Page using RouterLink in the angular.

47. Navigating Links in the Page using RouterLink in the angular.

Leela Web Dev

48. Styling the Active Router Link using routerLinkActive and routerLinkActiveOptions in angular.

48. Styling the Active Router Link using routerLinkActive and routerLinkActiveOptions in angular.

Leela Web Dev

49. Navigate between pages using router programmatically in Typescript code in angular

49. Navigate between pages using router programmatically in Typescript code in angular

Leela Web Dev

50. Passing and Fetching Parameters to Routes using ActivatedRoute snapshot in Angular.

50. Passing and Fetching Parameters to Routes using ActivatedRoute snapshot in Angular.

Leela Web Dev

51. Fetch Route Parameters Reactively using Params Subscribe with ActivatedRoute in angular.

51. Fetch Route Parameters Reactively using Params Subscribe with ActivatedRoute in angular.

Leela Web Dev

52. Passing Query Parameters and Fragments to the Url Route with the Template and Program in Angular

52. Passing Query Parameters and Fragments to the Url Route with the Template and Program in Angular

Leela Web Dev

53. Retrieving Query Parameters and Fragments from the URL through Typescript Code in the angular

53. Retrieving Query Parameters and Fragments from the URL through Typescript Code in the angular

Leela Web Dev

54. Setting up the child or Nested Routes using the children key in routing module in the Angular.

54. Setting up the child or Nested Routes using the children key in routing module in the Angular.

Leela Web Dev

55. Preserve or merge the query parameters by forwarding with queryparamsHandling in Angular.

55. Preserve or merge the query parameters by forwarding with queryparamsHandling in Angular.

Leela Web Dev

56. Implement Custom 404 Page adding wildcard Route, redirectTo option in the angular routing module

56. Implement Custom 404 Page adding wildcard Route, redirectTo option in the angular routing module

Leela Web Dev

57. Separate all the Routing configuration code into another file app-routing.module in the angular.

57. Separate all the Routing configuration code into another file app-routing.module in the angular.

Leela Web Dev

58. Introduction to Routing Guards. Implementation of canActivate Route Guard in the angular.

58. Introduction to Routing Guards. Implementation of canActivate Route Guard in the angular.

Leela Web Dev

59. Implement canActivateChild Route Guard for the Nested Child Routes in the Angular.

59. Implement canActivateChild Route Guard for the Nested Child Routes in the Angular.

Leela Web Dev

60. Controlling Navigation with CanDeactivate Route Guard in the angular

60. Controlling Navigation with CanDeactivate Route Guard in the angular

Leela Web Dev

61. Implementing CanDeactivate Route Guard in the real-time scenario for the component - Angular.

61. Implementing CanDeactivate Route Guard in the real-time scenario for the component - Angular.

Leela Web Dev

62. Passing Static Data to the Route and also Access the static data in the typescript in angular.

62. Passing Static Data to the Route and also Access the static data in the typescript in angular.

Leela Web Dev

63. Get Dynamic Data before entering into the component using the Resolve Guard in Angular

63. Get Dynamic Data before entering into the component using the Resolve Guard in Angular

Leela Web Dev

64. How to use Hash Urls as Fragments in the url for the internal pages in the angular routing

64. How to use Hash Urls as Fragments in the url for the internal pages in the angular routing

Leela Web Dev