Giraffe Academy
This course consists of a series of videos where we'll be looking at creating a database using MongoDB. The course is designed for beginners to MongoDB and database, and will introduce common database management topics. Throughout the course we'll be looking at various topics including collections, basic C.R.U.D operations, text indexing, aggregation and much more.
Introduction | MongoDB | Tutorial 1
Giraffe Academy
Mac Installation | MongoDB | Tutorial 2
Giraffe Academy
Windows Installation | MongoDB | Tutorial 3
Giraffe Academy
Creating Collections | MongoDB | Tutorial 4
Giraffe Academy
Inserting Documents | MongoDB | Tutorial 5
Giraffe Academy
Finding Documents | MongoDB | Tutorial 6
Giraffe Academy
Updating & Deleting Documents | MongoDB | Tutorial 7
Giraffe Academy
Bulk Actions | MongoDB | Tutorial 8
Giraffe Academy
Text Indexing | MongoDB | Tutorial 9
Giraffe Academy
Aggregation | MongoDB | Tutorial 10
Giraffe Academy