Fake Students
Fake Students
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Fake Student API allows applications to manage student data virtually. This API supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Password Strength
Password Strength
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Password Strength API allows applications to assess the strength of a password based on certain criteria, such as length, character diversity (upperca...

Password Generator
Password Generator
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Password Generator API allows applications to create random and strong passwords. This function typically generates a combination of characters includ...

Text To Slug
Text To Slug
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Text To Slug API allows applications to convert text into a more URL-friendly format, often used in creating slugs for URLs on websites.

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Palindrome API allows applications to check whether a string or number can be read the same from the front or back.

Words Count
Words Count
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Words Count API allows applications to count the number of words, characters, spaces, numbers and other elements in a text, for further analysis or da...

URL Encoder
URL Encoder
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URL Encoder API allows applications to convert characters in text into a format that is safe for use in URLs, by replacing special characters (such as...

Website PING
Website PING
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PING API website allows applications to test connectivity between your device and a specific server or website.

User Agent
User Agent
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User Agent API allows applications to check the user agent of the browser being used by the user.

Website Status
Website Status
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Website Status API allows applications to check the status of a site to see whether it is active or inactive.

MyIP Andress
MyIP Andress
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MyIP Andress API allows applications to obtain users' public IP addresses in real time.

Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates
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Exchange Rates API allows applications to get the total currency value of the conversion that is entered.